We got our start doing community design charrettes to co-create the look, feel and activities of the cooperative space alongside community members.
Doing What We Love
We started to do pop-ups at community events all over San Diego County in 2017 and evolved into a storefront incubation space the next year. There, we hosted community events, classes, workshops and community groups. Along the way, we’v connected with people from backgrounds, all over the county and across the country.
Impacting Our Community
Books & book clubs, headwraps and coffee meetups (LA Boutique), the Southeast Art Team outfitted our shop, Black owned florist of Terrell Rackley Florals and Gifts provides flowers for sale, we hosted game night for the culture, political fundraisers, birthdays, created coffee care packages complete with uplifting messages during COVID 19 pandemic, and we have an internship placement program to host former foster youth.
Inspiring Others
The gatherings we've hosted, the artists we've connected with and display their art on a regular basis, the foster youth we've hosted as interns in our shop for experience and pay, the laughter we collectively create with passerbys and regulars - we are doing the work and loving it. Our goal is to make sure our community has space to show up fully and be part of a movement larger than themselves.